Atonito definícia


Noticias como ésta nos dejan atónitos y sin capacidad de reacción. Lo cierto es que el muro de Evros nos deja atónitos. El insólito hecho dejó atónitos hasta a los médicos que lo atendieron.

Definiții enciclopedice atonít, -ă, atoniți, -te adj. Care se referă la Muntele Athos, care aparține Muntelui Athos. [Scris și: athonit] – Din gr. Athon (acc. lui Athos) + suf.

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• ATONICITY (noun) The noun ATONICITY has 1 sense:. 1. lack of normal muscular tension or tonus Familiarity information: ATONICITY used as a noun is very rare. As part of assessing the capability of ATO for the new deal, senior representatives of the agency recently visited Accenture's Philippine Delivery Centre, but ATO insisted the deal is still in the proposal stage. Definición, significado y acepciones de Atónito. Descubre el significado de Atónito con todas sus acepciones y definiciones de diccionario con ejemplos.

In medicine, atony or atonia is a condition in which a muscle has lost its strength. It is frequently associated with the conditions atonic seizure, atonic colon, uterine atony, gastrointestinal atony (occurs postoperatively) and choreatic atonia.

As part of assessing the capability of ATO for the new deal, senior representatives of the agency recently visited Accenture's Philippine Delivery Centre, but ATO insisted the deal is still in the proposal stage. Definición, significado y acepciones de Atónito. Descubre el significado de Atónito con todas sus acepciones y definiciones de diccionario con ejemplos.

Translate atonito into English. Find words for atonito in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. Traducir atonito de español a Inglés.

Atonito definícia

Atonio is the 69,486 th most popular name of all time.; How many people with the first name Atonio have been born in the United States? ATOTO Online Customer Service System is open to members who buy products.

We offer a comprehensive and meaningful list of popular names and cool names along with the name's origin, meaning, pronunciation, popularity and additional information. Sinónimos para atonito en Sinónimos Gratis. Antónimos para atonito. 16 sinónimos para atónito: estupefacto, suspenso, asombrado, pasmado, turulato, patitieso Definición y significado de la palabra atónita [ Contacta con nosotros]Contacta con nosotros] (C) Definición y significado de la palabra atonito [ Contacta con nosotros]Contacta con nosotros] (C) [ 4 syll.

A word, syllable, or sound that In medicine, atony or atonia is a condition in which a muscle has lost its strength. It is frequently associated with the conditions atonic seizure, atonic colon, uterine atony, gastrointestinal atony (occurs postoperatively) and choreatic atonia. atony [at´ah-ne] lack of normal tone or strength; flaccidity. adj., adj aton´ic. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Tomado del latín attonitum, 'atónito, aturdido', derivado de tonare, 'tronar'..

• ATONICITY (noun) The noun ATONICITY has 1 sense:. 1. lack of normal muscular tension or tonus Familiarity information: ATONICITY used as a noun is very rare. As part of assessing the capability of ATO for the new deal, senior representatives of the agency recently visited Accenture's Philippine Delivery Centre, but ATO insisted the deal is still in the proposal stage. Definición, significado y acepciones de Atónito. Descubre el significado de Atónito con todas sus acepciones y definiciones de diccionario con ejemplos.

Atonito definícia

”Sob goles e tragos, Estudos e espasmos, Sempre sobra um intervalo Para rimar.” See examples of Atonito in Spanish. Real sentences showing how to use Atonito correctly. Atone definition is - to make amends : to provide or serve as reparation or compensation for something bad or unwelcome —usually + for. How to use atone in a sentence.

Affiliate Links - Advertising Disclosure. If you purchase a product or service linked from this site, we may receive an "affiliate commission". We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising" and also in accordance to amazon associates programme operating agreement. Italian: ·masculine plural of atono··people Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary atonito - Significados en español y discusiones con el uso de 'atonito'. atónito, ta .

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Atonio is of Latin origin. Atonio is a form of the English Anthony.. See also the related category latin. Dictionary entry overview: What does atonicity mean?